Green Party Disaster In Yeovil Election

Green Party Disaster In Yeovil Election

Green Party Disaster in Yeovil: Serena Wooton Receives Just Over 2000 Votes Amid Campaign Controversy

The Green Party faced a significant setback in the Yeovil election, with candidate Serena Wooton receiving just over 2000 votes. Wooton's campaign was marred by controversy, primarily due to allegations against her campaign manager, Tim Eggins, who was accused of employing bully-boy tactics.


Wooton, who had hoped to make substantial inroads in the traditionally Conservative and Liberal Democrat stronghold, saw her campaign derailed by these allegations. Eggins, a key figure in Wooton's campaign, was accused by several party members and volunteers of aggressive and intimidating behavior, which reportedly created a toxic environment and drove away potential supporters.

The allegations surfaced mid-campaign and quickly gained traction, leading to internal strife within the Green Party's local chapter. Despite attempts to address the situation and refocus the campaign, the damage was done. Many believe that the negative publicity surrounding Eggins' behavior significantly impacted Wooton's electoral performance.

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