Yeovil Dairy Farmers Say Cop Who Ran Cow Over Should Be Sacked

Yeovil Dairy Farmers Say Cop Who Ran Cow Over Should Be Sacked

Yeovil Dairy Farmers outraged cop not sacked for running over cow

According to Global247news, the Surrey Police Officer who rammed a cow with his police car has been removed from frontline duties, although Yeovil dairy farmers feel he should be sacked instantly. 

Yeovil dairy farmers have expressed outrage over an incident involving a police officer who rammed an escaped cow with his patrol car in Staines-upon-Thames, Surrey. The incident, captured on shocking video footage, shows the police vehicle violently colliding with the runaway calf, named Beau, sending it flying.


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The video, which has been widely circulated online, has sparked significant backlash from the farming community and animal rights activists. Yeovil dairy farmers are particularly vocal, calling for the immediate sacking of the officer involved.

Local farmer Jane Smith said, "It's appalling that a police officer would treat an animal in such a cruel manner. This isn't just about one cow—it's about setting a precedent that such behavior is unacceptable. The officer should be sacked immediately."

Farmer John Davies added, "Our animals are like family to us. To see such disregard for the life and well-being of a cow is deeply upsetting. The police need to take swift and decisive action to show that they will not tolerate this kind of behavior."

In response to the public outcry, Surrey Police announced that the officer responsible has been removed from frontline duties pending the outcome of an investigation. Deputy Chief Constable Nev Kemp acknowledged the distress caused by the incident and promised a thorough investigation. "I fully appreciate the distress our handling of this incident has caused and will ensure that it is thoroughly and diligently investigated," he said.

The case has been referred to both the Professional Standards Department and the Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC) for independent review.

Despite these measures, the Yeovil farming community remains dissatisfied. "Removing him from frontline duties isn't enough," said farmer Emily Clark. "This officer's actions were inexcusable, and he should be held accountable. Anything less sends a message that animal cruelty is tolerated."

Beau, the calf, has since been returned to her owner and is recuperating with her herd. She sustained a large cut on one leg, along with other cuts and grazes. A vet is monitoring her condition, and rural officers are in contact with her owner for updates.

Deputy Chief Constable Kemp added, "Efforts were made to contact local vets without success and to identify the owner. Understanding why these efforts were unsuccessful and what more could have been done will be a key part of the investigation."

As the investigation continues, the farming community in Yeovil and beyond watches closely, hoping for a resolution that reflects the seriousness of the incident and ensures such actions are never repeated.


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