Annie Eileen Rose, a determined daughter from Montacute, near Yeovil, is fighting tirelessly for justice for her late mother, Eileen Pike Nee Hughes. She has launched a campaign calling for an official investigation into her mother's death, seeking answers and accountability.
In addition to her campaign, Annie has embarked on writing a deeply personal book detailing the events of her life and her mother's life. Publishers are eagerly awaiting the final version as Annie finalises her draft, determined to share her story with the world.
Annie, who grieves daily for her beloved mother, recently reached out to Yeovil Real News to share her journey and the upcoming book. Her decision to speak out comes after a distressing incident where she was arrested following a confrontation at her doorstep just a week ago. A video of the incident has since circulated on social media, as Anna Roles, Peter Pike and Polly Pike ( Lavina) as well as others attended her home.
Warning Explicit Language in Video
Imagine 😂
— Steve Day (@Daya66) August 10, 2024
Annie Eileen Rose was born on February 11, 1984, to Eileen Pike nee Hughes, who began her life as a Romany Gypsy. Eileen married Peter Pike, and together they had five children, raising a large family in the Romany tradition. Now, Annie is on a mission to ensure her mother's story is heard and that justice is finally served.
Annie shares the painful memories of her childhood, telling Yeovil Real News: "My mother was a loving, warm, and caring woman, but my childhood became a nightmare, and my struggle with my family began when I was raped and sexually abused by my brother Peter Pike, whilst we resided in South Petherton.
"Social services were involved by the authorities to investigate my childhood after our neighbour,Derick Duck, witnessed and reported it.
'I was the only child they interviewed. The interrogation lasted three hours, and it finally broke me as I revealed everything—I had been raped by my brother on many occasions, Peter Pike. In doing so, I had broken the family's unspoken rule of not speaking to outsiders about these crimes.
'Our father, Peter Senior, was also not a good man, whilst he was never convicted he was a child abuser.'
' Derick Duck has actually saved my life' she added.
Annie, then states: 'I want to stress and I want this crystal clear, my mother Eileen had nothing to do with any of the abuse, although mum was abandoned and left in that house, with my birth father Peter, my sister Polly and my brother Peter.'
Annie, then goes onto explain, how she and another brother Brian and sister Lisa were taken into care, as the family were divided.
' As my brother Peter Pike, was convicted of his sexual offences against me, myself and two other siblings went into care.
Firstly we were kept together as we lived in Somerton, but then finally we were separated as I was sent to a children's home in Frome, where we were safe and looked after, the system worked well,but I still don't feel we should have been separated as siblings.
' My mum had no choice and had to remain in the family home and was mentally tortured in that house, they left her in? Father was a sexual abuser, brother was a child rapist, Where was my mothers duty of care between 1993 and 1997?
' Mum was constantly telling people that my father was sexually abusing my sister Polly - in return my father and brother, claimed she was crazy and had her sectioned a minimum of 15 times, whilst also silenced by Polly - they treated her in a totally disgusting way. They made it appear to authorities my mum was seeing things and hearing voices, when she was not.'
Sweet and Innocent Annie who was raped and sexually abused by brother Peter Pike chasing justice for her mother whilst being harassed now by sister Polly Pike ( Lavina) as she reveals the truth as preparing a book for publication
Annie, then reveals how at the age of just 14 the authorities sent her home, where she was reunited with her darling mother.
' At 14, I was sent back home, to be with my mum, I loved her so much it was a relief to have her caring and loving me again, but the mental torture continued from the others whilst my mother was not a shadow of herself anymore after being left with the others.
' I wasn't abused again though as I had become a lot stronger and of course they knew I had the courage previously to give evidence against my brother Peter, my father turned his attention to my sister instead.' admits Annie before going on to say how she wants the treatment of her mother fully investigated, she say's:
'Those years of my mothers life now I want fully investigated, I don't feel the authorities should have left her in that position, she was mentally tortured by the others in that home.'
Annie has now formed a Facebook group called ' Justice For Eileen Hughes' whilst she writes her autobiography although now faces harassment and abuse from other family members as she reveals the truth of her mothers suffering.
Meanwhile she has seen her mothers grave 'raided' by sister Polly, who removed items from the grave and filming herself doing so, stating, 'I'm the boss' whilst removing angels from the grave, breaking Annie's heart.
Sister Polly has since changed her surname from Pike to Lavina , taking her middle name to replace her surname as she terrorises her sister for speaking out and fearing the publication of the pending book.
Polly has recently hit the headlines, locally in Yeovil, after being reported for selling 'dodgy' ice cream whilst attempting to bully those who complain or report on her latest businesses, Coco Ice Creams and ' The Meat Feast' that is preparing to retail burgers, locally. It's unknown at the present time if the business is fully licensed unlike the Ice Cream business.
However Annie says: ' The problem with Polly is she doesn't accept the truth and lashes out, I cared for our mother alone for 10 years, she never placed one flower on the grave she has destroyed - she's got a disturbed mind whilst being a pathological liar - she constantly lies whilst charging around abusing people, including myself.'
Annie summed up, ' The bottom line was I broke the family rules about the abuse and for that I am being persecuted, at he same time I feel Polly needs counselling as she can't continue this way, denial is a terrible thing.'
— Steve Day (@Daya66) August 10, 2024